Katie Stockdale
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Victoria
Clearihue Building B312
Victoria, British Columbia
Last Updated: January 2025
University of Victoria (2023-present)
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
University of Victoria (2019-2023)
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Maternity leave 2021-2022.
Sam Houston State University (2017-2019)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Philosophy
Cornell University (2016-2017)
Residential Dissertation Fellow, Sage School of Philosophy
Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations Project
Supervisor: Andrew Chignell
Dalhousie University:
Ph.D. in Philosophy (2017)
Dissertation: Oppression and the Struggle for Hope​
Dalhousie University:
M.A. in Philosophy (2012)
Thesis: Toward a Theory of Collective Resentment
Western University (University of Western Ontario):
B.A. in Philosophy and Sociology (2011)
Honours with Distinction
2021. Hope Under Oppression. New York: Oxford University Press.
Available as an audiobook on Audible.ca.
Reviews: Mind; Notre Dame Philosophical Review
Peer-Reviewed Articles & Book Chapters:​​
Forthcoming. "Despair" with Michael Milona in Ergo.
Forthcoming. "Resentment and Self-Respect."In The Moral Psychology of Resentment ed. Antti Kauppinen and Max Lewis. Rowman & Littlefield.
Forthcoming. "A Feminist Perspective on Hope." In The Oxford Compendium of Hope, ed. Anthony Scioli and Steven van den Heuvel. Oxford University Press.
2024. "(Why) Do We Need a Theory of Affective Injustice?" in Philosophical Topics 51, 1: 113-134.
2023. "Weapon and Shield: Apologies and the Duty to be Vulnerable" with Barrett Emerick and Audrey Yap in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9, 3: 1-21.
2023. "How Can Hope Be Rational in the Context of Global Poverty?" in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26, 337: 425-430.
2023. "Collective Forgiveness" in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Forgiveness, ed. Robert Enright and Glen Pettigrove. Routledge.
2022. "Moral Shock" Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8, 3: 496-511.
2021. "Controlling Hope" with Michael Milona in Ratio 34, 4: 345-354.
2021. "Hope, Solidarity, and Justice" in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7, 2: 1-23.
2019. “Emotional Hope" in The Moral Psychology of Hope, ed. Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl. Rowman and Littlefield.
2019. "Social and Political Dimensions of Hope" in Journal of Social Philosophy 50, 1: 28-44.
2018. “A Perceptual Theory of Hope” with Michael Milona in Ergo 5, 8: 203-222.
2017. “Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness” in Hypatia 32, 2: 363-379.
2017. “Whither Bioethics Now? The Promise of Relational Theory” with Susan Sherwin in International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10, 1: 7-29.
2013. “Collective Resentment” in Social Theory and Practice 39: 501-521.
Book Reviews & Comments:
2024. Comments on Darrel Moellendorf's Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press. In Environmental Ethics 46, 2: 199-204. (Part of Author Meets Critics symposium.)
2015. Shannon Sullivan’s Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class White Anti-Racism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014. In Hypatia Reviews Online.
2013. John Deigh’s On Emotions: Philosophical Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. In Ethics Vol. 125, 2: 576-581.​​
Works in Progress:​​​​
Paper on a moral vice (R&R)
Freeing the Heart (book manuscript, early stages)
​"Hope in a Climate of Fear" (invited chapter, early stages)
Paper on moral development (early stages)
Invited talks are marked with *
Author Meets Critics, Hope Under Oppression:
Book Roundtable, Democratic Hope Research Group (2022)
Critics: Claudia Blöser, David Owen, Antonin Lacelle-Webster -
APA Pacific (2022)
Critics: Barrett Emerick, Kathryn Norlock, Jack Kwong
Conferences, Workshops, and Colloquia:​​​​​​
*Upcoming, "Hope in a Climate of Fear"
Governing (With) Emotions Conference, Yale University, February 27, 2025, New Haven US -
"Freeing the Heart"
Sedona Workshop hosted by the Centre for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame, May 2, 2024, Sedona US -
*"Resentment and Self-Respect"
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, April 3 2024, Toronto CA -
*"Hope in Human Life"
Public Lecture for the Civil Rights and Civic Virtue Society, Auburn University, December 4 2023 by Zoom -
*"On Being Entitled"
University of Rochester Philosophy Colloquium, March 24 2023, by Zoom -
*Comments on Darrel Moellendorf's Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change & Global Poverty, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, January 5 2023, Montreal CA
*"Hope, Solidarity, and Justice"
Democratic Faith Working Group, December 8 2022, Brown University, Providence US -
*"On Being Entitled"
Eastern Michigan University Philosophy Speaker Series, November 10 2022, by Zoom -
*"Intrinsic Faith and Resilience"
Workshop on Resilience in Action and Belief Jointly Sponsored by the Interuniversity Research Group on Normativity and Centre de Recherche en Enthique at the Univeriste de Montreal, May 2021, by Zoom -
*"Intrinsic Faith"
University of British Columbia Philosophy Colloquium, April 9 2021, by Zoom -
*"Moral Shock"
Dalhousie University Philosophy Colloquium, June 5 2020, by Zoom -
*"Moral Shock"
Simon Fraser University Philosophy Colloquium, November 15 2019, Burnaby CA -
*"The Collective Hope of Solidarity"
New Directions in the Philosophy of Hope, June 21-22 2018, Goethe University, Frankfurt DE -
"Collective Hope and Solidarity"
Sam Houston State University Philosophy Colloquium, April 5 2018, Huntsville US -
*Comments on Jennifer Szende's "Relational Value, Territorial Rights, and Climate Change" Shaping a More Just Bioethics: A Celebration of the Work of Susan Sherwin, May 26 2018, Halifax CA
*“Collective Hope"
Panel on the Social and Political Dimensions of Hope at the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society Meeting, March 15-17 2018, New Orleans US -
“Hope: A Feminist Perspective”
Hope & Optimism Midpoint Conference, June 14-17 2016, Estes Park US (introduction to research project) -
*“Hope through a Feminist Relational Lens”
Hope, Social and Political Perspectives Workshop, June 7-8 2016, University of Groningen, Groningen NL -
"Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness"
Notre Dame Hope & Optimism Workshop, April 22-23 2016, University of Notre Dame, South Bend US -
*"A Feminist Relational Approach to Responsibility, Solidarity, and Social Justice" Cal Poly Pomona Philosophy Colloquium, April 5 2016, Pomona US
*"Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness"
University of Redlands Philosophy Colloquium, April 4 2016, Redlands US -
“Blameworthiness and Blame: Reflections on Scanlon and Smith”
American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, March 30-April 2 2016, San Francisco US -
“The Social and Political Dimensions of Hope”
Dalhousie Cross-Currents Seminar, February 25 2016, Halifax CA -
"The Moral Emotion of Bitterness: Anger, Hope, and Agency”
Dalhousie University Philosophy Colloquium, November 7 2014, Halifax CA -
“The Moral Emotion of Bitterness”
Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association Annual Meeting, October 24-25 2014, St. John’s CA -
“Who is a Settler Canadian? Race, Language, and Colonialism”
Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association Annual Meeting, October 4-5 2013, Halifax CA -
"Who is a Settler Canadian?"
Dalhousie University Philosophy Colloquium, July 12 2013, Halifax CA -
“Exploring Resentments: Indigenous Expressions of Resentment in Canada”
29th North American Society for Social Philosophy Conference, July 26-29 2012, Boston US -
"Exploring Resentments: Indigenous-Settler Relations in the Canadian Context"
Dalhousie University Philosophy Colloquium, July 20 2012, Halifax CA
2022. "When Hope Is Irrational" in Aish.
2022. "'Freedom convoy' protestors' anger is misdirected' with Barrett Emerick and Audrey Yap in The Conversation.
2021. Panelist for Thomas Homer-Dixon's "Commanding Hope," John Albert Hall Lectures in collaboration between the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets of British Columbia and the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria.
2020. Anchor interview for "The Power and Peril of Hope", CBC Sunday Magazine with Piya Chattopadhyay.
2020. "Even when optimism has been lost, hope has a role to play" with Michael Milona in Aeon.
2018. "Hope" with Michael Milona in 1000-Word Philosophy.
2016. Videos for the public, Hope & Optimism Project.
University of Victoria:
Blame, Anger, and Forgiveness
Death and Dying
Feminist Ethics
Hope and Despair
Issues in Biomedical Ethics
Moral Character
Philosophy and Feminism
Philosophy of the Emotions
Research Methods Seminar (Graduate)
​Sam Houston State University:
Feminist Philosophy
Philosophy of Science
Introduction to Philosophy
Dalhousie University:
Ethics and Health Care: Patient Care
Ethics and The Good Life
Guest Teaching & Class Visits:
Cornell University
Feminism and Philosophy (Professor Kate Manne, Fall 2024) -
Fresno State University
Hope (Professor Andrew Fiala, Spring 2023) -
St. Mary's College of Maryland
Responsibility and Reparation (Professor Barrett Emerick, Spring 2021) -
University of Victoria
Politics After Hope (Professor Simon Glezos, Fall 2020) -
University of Victoria
Discovering Humanities Research (Professor Alex D'Arcy, Fall 2020) -
Toronto Metropolitan University
Philosophy of Emotions (Professor Michael Milona, Fall 2019) -
St. Mary’s University
Moral Responsibility (Professor Todd Calder, Winter 2015)​
Professional Teaching Development:
Inclusive Teaching Techniques Faculty Development Workshop, Sam Houston State University (2018)
Teaching and Learning Conference, Sam Houston State University (2017)​
Early Career Excellence in Research Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of Victoria
Excellence in Teaching Nomination, Sam Houston State University (x2)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship, $81,000—declined
Cornell University Residential Dissertation Fellowship, Hope & Optimism Project, $25,000 USD
Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Graduate Scholarship, $15,000—honorary
Michael Smith Foreign Study Grant (with Michael Cholbi), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $6000—declined
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, $105,000
Outstanding GPA Award at Dalhousie University, $1000
Izaak Walton Killam Predoctoral Scholarship, $100,000—honorary
Mushkat Memorial Essay Prize, Dalhousie University, $4000
Douglas Butler Memorial Essay Prize, Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University, $100
Rosslyn Kelly Arts Scholarship, Western University, $2000
Faculty of Arts Alumni Award, Western University, $1000
Chair (2022)
Author Meets Critics, Myisha Cherry's The Case for Rage, APA Pacific Meeting (2022) -
Mentor (2019-2020)
Women in Philosophy/Philosophers' Cocoon Job Market Mentoring Program -
Co-organizer (2018-2019)
Panel hosted by the Committee on the Status of Women at the APA Central Meeting (2019)
(Topic: Intersectionality) -
Co-organizer (2017-2018)
Panel hosted by the Committee on the Status of Women at the APA Central Meeting (2018)
(Topic: Implicit Bias in the Philosophy Classroom) -
Member of Committee on the Status of Women (2017-2020)
American Philosophical Association -
Co-organizer (2017)
Nature and Norms of Hope Conference, Cornell University -
Co-organizer (2016-2017)
Equity Panel, Canadian Philosophical Association annual meeting
(Topic: Stereotype Threat and Implicit Bias) -
Member of Equity Committee (2016-2017)
Canadian Philosophical Association -
Co-organizer (2015-2016)
Equity Panel, Canadian Philosophical Association annual meeting
(Topic: Decolonizing Philosophy) -
Member of Quality Assurance Monitoring Committee (2015-2016)
Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission -
Founding Member of Equity Committee (2015-2017)
Dalhousie Department of Philosophy -
Graduate Contact (2015-2017)
Minorities and Philosophy Dalhousie Chapter
Analysis; Ergo; Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; Hypatia; International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics; Journal of the American Philosophical Association; Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy; Journal of Medical Ethics; Journal of Moral Philosophy; Journal of Political Philosophy; Journal of Social Philosophy; Law Culture and the Humanities; Mind; Pacific Philosophical Quarterly; Pedagogy Culture and Society; Philosophers' Imprint; Philosophical Explorations; Philosophical Papers; Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Studies; Philosophy Compass; Synthese; Teaching Philosophy
Academic Presses:
Oxford University Press; Bloomsbury
The Nature and Norms of Hope Conference, Cornell University (2017); The Canadian Philosophical Association; Western Canadian Philosophical Association
Research Assistant (2014)
Equity Committee, Canadian Philosophical Association -
Consultant (2014)
Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission -
Policy and Research Analyst (2013-2014)
Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission -
Research Assistant (2012-2013)
Department of Bioethics, Dalhousie University -
Social Media Manager (2012)
Canadian Institute of Health Research funded event, “Out of the lab, on to the web?” -
Writing Tutor (2011-2013)
The Writing Centre, Dalhousie University -
Research Assistant (2010)
Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University -
Editorial Assistant (2009-2010)
Department of History, Western University
Graduate Awards Committee (2024-2025)
Graduate Coordinator (July 2023-present)
Member of Chair Search Committee, Department of Philosophy (Fall 2022)
Minor in Applied Ethics Coordinator (Fall 2022-present)
Internal Research and Creative Project Grant Committee (Spring 2021)
Department Secretary (Fall 2020-Summer 2021)
ARPT Committee (Fall 2019-present)
Search Committee (x2) (Fall 2018 - Spring 2019)
Curriculum Committee (Fall 2018 - Spring 2019)
Scholarship Selections Committee, Philosophy Program (Summer 2018; Spring 2019)
Committee on Sponsoring Promising Undergraduate Research (Spring 2018 - Spring 2019)​
Search Committee (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)